Cortland Legislator Abandons Predecessor’s Legacy

It was with great disappointment we heard of Richard Stock’s announcement he was leaving the Democratic Party and registering as a Republican. With the national trend of Republicans leaning into the hatemongering vitriol, we can only imagine what Mr. Stock’s true motives are for this move. In a public post he stated his decision was to show he is “for all the people not just for one party”. We think Mr. Stock must be confused. Democrats believe and act to serve all constituents, not just one party. It is Republicans like Donald Trump, Marc Molinaro and Claudia Tenney who time and again are proving THEY only want to represent other Republicans. Who voted against federal aid for the “blue states” damaged during Hurricane Sandy? Republicans. Who voted for federal aid for the “red states” damaged during Hurricane Ian? Democrats. Mr. Stock also used “taxes” as one of his reasons for the switch. You can’t have it both ways, Richard. Taxes fund relief efforts like the FEMA $$ Cortland County received after the devastating floods one year ago. Taxes fund the services constituents receive in the district Mr. Stock supposedly represents…services like Meals on Wheels, Medicaid, Medicare, free vaccines, child protective services, and food pantries.
When Mary Ann Discenza, the former Commissioner of Cortland’s Dept. of Social Services, resigned her seat as Cortland County Legislator and Democratic Minority Leader due to poor health prior to her death in September, 2020, Richard Stock was appointed to complete her term by the City of Cortland Common Council. Mr Stock led the Council to believe he would maintain the values she fought to uphold for her District. Trusting in his word, Ms. Discenza’s constituents also put their faith and trust in Richard Stock, but unfortunately they have been consistently disappointed in that decision, which now has some finality. We encourage all 6th District voters to think of the memory of Mary Ann Discenza and of the values she fought to maintain for her entire career when they cast their ballot for a County Legislator next year.